Tutorial Email Signature Business – Canvato [Video/Image]

Trần Thế Vinh 1 phút đọc

I. Introduce

Canvato Email Signature is an email signature generator based on available templates, helping you create unique email signatures as you wish.

II. Tutorial

Video :

Image :

1. First of all, you need to visit https://app.canvato.net/ and log in with the account sent by Mat Bao to your contact email.

2. Fill in with an account

3. Click on + icon to create new signature with new name

4. Fill in your information into specific field

5. After fill in, you can click on < or > icon to change Signature Template

III. Using with Microsoft Outlook 2013 or later

1. Click on Microsoft Outlook icon in red rectangle

2. Click on your signature below, select it (CTRL+A for PCs, ⌘+A for Macs) and copy it (CTRL+C for PCs, ⌘+C for Macs)

3. Open your Microsoft Outlook and create new email

Click on Signature then Signatures…

4. Paste (CTRL+V for PCs, ⌘+V for Macs) into blank space. Then click on Save > OK to finish

Your Signature has been set up

[Video] Create new Canvato Email Signature

h chơi Video
[Video] Add Canvato Email Signature to Microsoft Outlook 2013 or later
